Friday, 13 June 2008

Day 2

Right then. Learning with Barnacle Bill it is. Seems like quite a weathered fellow to me, I'm sure he'll be lovely.
Oh my god, how wrong can you be? He is such a slave driver. He works all of us nearly to the bone and seems to have real disdain towards children and animals on board. 'They're a liability' he mutters a lot. Stella and I just keep out of his way most of the time! Dad too actually. We don't mind I mean it might save our lives all this learning - you never know what will! So we work (hard) and wink at each other when Old Barnacle isn't looking.
He keeps warning us about how bad it can be out at sea and the boat is hard, it's much bigger than our little dinghy. The next time I talk to you I'll, we'll all be intrepid explorers!

1 comment:

Bubbleo7 said...

Ah theres day 2 but this blog still rocks!!!!